Our Story

Born in Venezuela. Made in Suffolk.

A Journey Rooted in Love and Craft

As a proud mother of two spirited boys and a devoted Venezuelan bespoke cake artisan, I pour my heart and soul into crafting exceptional celebration and wedding cakes as well as designing our fabulous cake kits. My commitment to ethics and sustainability guides me as I work with the finest local ingredients here in the picturesque landscapes of Suffolk.

My Journey

My love affair with cake making began in my hometown of Mérida, Venezuela. It was there, under the guidance of my mother, that I first discovered the importance of quality ingredients and the magic that good baking can create. These early lessons laid the foundation for what would become a lifelong passion.

Years later, with the encouragement of friends and family, I reignited that passion in London. What started as a hobby quickly turned into a full-fledged career, and thus, Mili Mendez Cakes was born.


A New Chapter

The birth of our first son, followed by the joyous news of a second on the way, brought us to Suffolk. Here, surrounded by the beauty of British nature, I found new inspiration. I began growing my own ingredients, delving into the art of floriculture, and embracing the practice of sustainable foraging. This journey has enriched my cakes with unique, personal touches, all the while allowing me to cherish my most important role as a mother.

Our Ethos

At Mili Mendez, we believe in more than just creating beautiful bespoke cakes and seasonal cake kits. Our products are crafted in harmony with what our beautiful land has to offer, creating unforgettable memories of the special moments in our lives. After all, a cake is made to bring joy and happiness!

our commitment

Local & Traceable

We are dedicated to using locally sourced ingredients. Every product is a harmonious blend of ingredients from farmers and artisans within Suffolk and as close to our farm as possible. For those ingredients that can't be sourced locally, we carefully select from producers that share our ethos and commitment to sustainability and positive community impact.

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Company Values

Our Company Values


Our supply chain. We have followed personally all of our supply chains back to the fields from which the particular ingredient comes from, including the cacao.


Small actions can mean big things. Even just making the smallest differences in life can lead to greater implications for you and the planet. Did you know that if every household in the UK turned off lights when leaving a room, it could save enough electricity to power over 250,000 homes for a year!


Where we work and live we always aim to be positive members of those communities. We believe that good business is all about trusted relationships in the same way families and friends are.